At Follow My Vote, we’re looking to push boundaries and change paradigms. That’s hard work, and we’re always looking for intelligent yet tenacious, clever yet careful, independent yet cooperative, imaginative yet intentional people; people who look at the world and see the problems and feel impelled to solve them; people who are willing to do the work necessary to build the world they most want to live in.

We are always interested in bringing new people on board, but those people need to be ready to pull their weight from the get go. Follow My Vote is a startup; everyone wears many hats, and babysitter isn’t one of them. People are expected to contribute when they have value to add, and to get back to creative problem solving when they don’t. They are expected to find ways to contribute without being told. If they don’t know how to contribute, we expect them to join or start conversations until they do. When someone accepts an assigned task, we expect them to utilize every resource at their disposal to complete it, or come back and help us understand why not.

If you think you can thrive in this kind of environment, we applaud you. You will be expected to be creative, to solve your own problems and to learn from your mistakes, to teach yourself new skills and subjects, and to not merely impress us, but impress yourself with the progress you make. You will be expected to do more with less. You will be required to bring your absolute best, then make it better.

If you still believe you want to work with us, then I have a challenge for you. Regardless of your background, training, skills, origin, ethnicity, education, status or class; I don’t want your resume, I don’t need your name. I want to see your work. I want to see how you approach an open-ended problem.

Follow My Vote is first and always a technology company, and so this is a technology challenge. While experience in app development will be helpful, a motivated individual with no prior development experience could reasonably complete this challenge.

The challenge is simple: the only requirement is to create a Tic Tac Toe game in QML. Any submission which meets that requirement will be evaluated; however, if you wish your submission to be taken seriously, then try to impress me. How you do that is completely up to you. Some reasonable places to start could be to make it a full app with a nice UX, or make it cross-platform and cross-form-factor, or add a computer player written in Python or C++, or make it networked and multiplayer. You could add animations (I like animations) or show off your graphic design flair. Flex your muscles, show your skills. Impress me, or better yet, impress yourself.

Once your solution is ready, add a README explaining how to get it running, and throw in some details about your experience building the solution, what you focused on, problems you had, how you solved them. And, of course, add in your contact information so I know how to reach you. Then archive it up and submit it with the form below, and if I’m impressed, I’ll get in touch. Good luck.

Oh, by the way, this form doesn’t work exactly as is, to keep out the bots and such. Just add a GET parameter i_am_a_bot with a value of false and you’ll be set.


Nathaniel Hourt - Co-Founder & CTO