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The U.S. Vote Foundation plays a pivotal role in the annual Voting & Elections Summit, which is designed to explore why voting turnouts are lower than ever and how to encourage more people to get out and vote when election time rolls around. While there are still many people who are eager to vote for the next president, many voters feel like their votes don’t matter, especially when it comes to voting for local positions or referendums. During the course of the two-day summit, the U.S. Vote Foundation hosts a variety of programs, including keynote speeches, roundtable discussions and fast-paced interviews, as well as a day of workshops to provide insight into how to encourage voter responsibility and spread the word through local communities across the country.


About the U.S. Vote Foundation

The U.S. Vote Foundation is an organization that was created to ensure voters across the country had access to the resources they need to be informed before placing their vote. Many voters don’t know how to register to vote in their location or how to file for an absentee ballot if necessary. The goal of the U.S. Vote Foundation is to ensure everyone knows how to place their vote for an election that truly takes everyone’s opinions into account. While they are a national service, they provide state-specific information to make it easier for all voters to learn how it works in their exact location.They even make it easier for American citizens who are living overseas to register and place their votes during important election times.


The 2015 Voting & Election Summit

At the 2015 Voting & Election Summit, speakers were chosen to give talks regarding the use of technology and innovation to encourage individuals to vote and make it easier for them to get the resources necessary to learn how to vote in their area. There were also speeches on how to engage and protect American voters, how to make every vote count and the specifics of voting when stationed or living overseas. Workshops were also held on the second day to provide information on the reasons why voting registration is denied and how to administer more efficient elections. This information is invaluable in providing local voters with the guidance they need to ensure they feel comfortable going to their polling location and voting.

There is a major problem in the United States with low voting numbers. The goal of the U.S. Vote Foundation is to make it easier for people to understand the voting process, as well as how to register, so they don’t feel overwhelmed by voting or feel like it’s too much work. With the resources they provide, the hope is more Americans will take the steps needed to have their voice heard.