The Staging Dilemma Here at Follow My Vote, we rely on WordPress to host our website. We are an online company, so this website is our public face and we strive to keep it informative and attractive to guests. But that isn’t always easy. In order to keep a WordPress website secure and reliable, both […]
Years ago, Follow My Vote set out to build a cryptographically secure, end-to-end user-verifiable online election system. We eventually realized that while blockchain technology provides an excellent foundation for the back end of such a system, our current technologies are simply not adequate to support the full extent that is necessary to bring such a […]
Hello, friends! In my last post, I shared Follow My Vote’s clarified vision on our position in the market and our path to success. I described why Follow My Vote cannot rely on the full array of existing technologies that support other modern applications but must instead work to solidify a more rugged and secure […]
Greetings! It’s been a while since we’ve posted actively. We’ve been quiet, but we’re still around. In truth, we’ve had some struggles through the past years, and for a while it was unclear whether we would be able to continue working and bringing our solutions to the world. Things are looking quite a bit brighter […]