Greetings! It’s been a while since we’ve posted actively. We’ve been quiet, but we’re still around. In truth, we’ve had some struggles through the past years, and for a while it was unclear whether we would be able to continue working and bringing our solutions to the world. Things are looking quite a bit brighter […]
In the run up to the 2016 United States Presidential Election, Follow My Vote brought global attention to the idea of leveraging blockchain technology (or distributed ledger technology) to build a secure end-to-end verifiable mobile voting system to be used in government-sponsored elections worldwide. Over the past few years we’ve been contacted by media outlets, […]
Follow My Vote develops end to end verifiable blockchain voting software for a variety of use cases. All code that Follow My Vote produces is open source and released under the GPLv3 or MIT software licenses. This means all end users can run, study, share and modify the software. Note* Official Follow My Vote software […]
Follow My Vote can now add Forbes to the list of media publications discussing blockchain voting and Follow My Vote’s end-to-end verifiable voting software. Author Jackie Burns Koven has written an unbiased article on that uncovers the progress and realtiy of blockchain voting for use in political elections. Numerous articles are coming out that […]
Now that we have released our initial alpha for our stake-weighted blockchain voting software, you can explore the voting system! Here’s how: Step 1: Set Up A Graphene Blockchain Testnet In this video you can follow along with Nathan Hourt, Follow My Vote Co-founder & CTO as he demonstrates how to setup a Graphene / […]
In an interview with Joe Mohen, the former CEO of, Amber Phillips of the Washington Post tried to breakdown why online voting hasn’t been a reality. In an age where you can order food online in the comfort of your bed, the technology to vote already exists. Many critics of such technology say it is […]
The 2016 presidential election is exposing a lot of the shortcomings in our democratic process and how bipartisan politics mixed with antiquated methods of voting have made for a rather corrupt current political climate. This is now being exposed as inaccurate polls are being released after the presidential debates. How much more will it take […]

“Good evening, Citizens of The Planet… Allow us first to apologize for this interruption. We do, like many of you, appreciate the comfort of everyday routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. We enjoy them as much as any man or woman. But in the spirit of commemoration, whereupon important events of the past, usually […]
On Thursday, September 17th, we attended the Brennan Center for Justice event: America’s Voting Technology Crisis: Preparing for 2016 and Beyond. With the recent release of the report put out by the Brennan Center for Justice appropriately called America’s Voting Machines at Risk, it has become apparent that we need to talk about outdated voting machines […]
On Thursday September 3rd, Follow My Vote met with Delta Sigma Pi At Virginia Tech to host a professional event on following your passion and starting your own business. Delta Sigma Pi is one of the nations largest coed professional business fraternities. Follow My Vote Founder and CEO, Adam Kaleb Ernest, was the main speaker […]
Earlier this year, we saw several stories about vote swapping in the UK. Websites like Vote Swap have popped up to help people swap their votes. But why are people swapping votes and what does it do? Essentially people are swapping votes to try to make their vote count more. For instance, A voter might feel as […]
Follow My Vote has been featured in another publication for building a voting system on a blockchain. Freedom magazine has included us in their very in-depth coverage of blockchain technology and all its use cases. The article covered Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto (the creator of Bitcoin), cryptocurrencies, and the internet of things. The article also informed […]
Many people believe that bitcoin is just a currency but it is actually so much more than that. When it comes to revitalizing many industries and concepts, online methods have proven to be extremely integral to that process. Democracy is no exception. Through the use of bitcoin and blockchain technology, online voting can be fortified […]
This post from a talk show called The Take Away speaks with some highly educated people in the industry where they discuss on their podcast the importance of verified voting when dealing in the digital realm. The main topic of conversation lands on the audit-ability of the current system and what might be in development […]
There is a long standing debate that online voting may not be possible due to the nature of technology itself. Simply as we continue to find new ways to keep our information secure and safe, technology that makes said security measures obsolete are in the making. However there is one technology that makes it almost […]
As you may have read in the title, we have been mentioned as a leader in blockchain and decentralized voting systems on Crypto News Day. Crypto News Day is a website and a blog that covers the top Bitcoin and cryptocurrency news of the day. This includes anytime someone uses the technology behind Bitcoin (blockchain […]
We are in an amazing time period for innovation and technological advances. We are wearing computers as watches, using drones for selfies, and 3D printing just about whatever we want. But voting as an industry hasn’t seen much advancement in quite a few years. In fact many US states have recently decertified modern voting machines […]
We have long known the power that blockchain technology offered the world in many different applications and industries. With online voting still needing a bit of a push in the securities realm to make large players more comfortable with the technology this article takes a look at some of the other industries that are seeing […]
A ninety minute debate ended in success for online voting platforms across the globe! Its a great start! This bill allows students to vote online for the SA executive election. One of the main objections and concerns of the council was the safety and integrity of the website that would be hosting these elections. David […]
We are happy to present one of the major players in the push for more transparency in democratic elections and the push to digitizing the process in the open source community. This article and interview hears from Brent Turner about how the California Association of Voting Officials (CAVO) uses open source software to bring trust […]
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