In July of 2020, we published our The State of Follow My Vote -> 2020 Report, letting the world know that we are still here, we’re not going anywhere, and we’ll continue striving to make secure open-source end-to-end verifiable blockchain-based voting/polling software a reality on a global scale. As discussed in this report, my fellow […]

Today marks the dawn of a new era, the day we at Follow My Vote release our Intellectual Property (IP) covering our patent-pending architecture for a secure end-to-end verifiable blockchain-based voting system capable of securely hosting honest elections with mathematically provable results. We’ve come to a point in human history where faith in the democratic […]
Follow My Vote will be sponsoring the United We Stand Festival and Open Presidential Debate at the University of Colorado Boulder on Tuesday October 25th. In addition to the debate, there will be speakers and performances by more than 10 different bands and artists. Tickets are free to public and students get priority. More info […]
Through many of our posts you will see Follow My Vote’s relationship with CAVO and other partners at the Open Source Initiative (OSI). We thought it to be important to our readers to find out more about this organization and see some of their work in action through this interesting article. We would have to […]
We are extremely excited to share the news that CAVO (the California Association of Voting Officials) has joined the Open Source Initiative (OSI) as an Affiliate Member. As most of our readers and supporters know, Follow My Vote actually joined CAVO as an Industry Member in late 2014. This is a great partnership as both […]