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Bitcoin Graphene Knowledge Technology
Understanding The Graphene Blockchain Ecosystem - follow my vote

Understanding The Graphene Blockchain Ecosystem

There are three main blockchain ecosystems in the market today: the Graphene ecosystem, the Bitcoin ecosystem and Ethereum ecosystem. Follow My Vote CTO, Nathan Hourt is responsible for owning a critical role in the design and development of the Graphene Toolkit, which was first built for BitShares, a leading crypto-currency that has been credited with several industry […]

Code Contributors Open Source Software Software Releases Technology Voting Platform
Alpha Release

How To Run And Explore The Alpha Release | Video Tutorial

Now that we have released our initial alpha for our stake-weighted blockchain voting software, you can explore the voting system! Here’s how: Step 1: Set Up A Graphene Blockchain Testnet In this video you can follow along with Nathan Hourt, Follow My Vote Co-founder & CTO as he demonstrates how to setup a Graphene / […]