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Online Voting: NOT YET
Online Registration: YES
[/text_output][text_output]Registering to Vote in California
If you are a US citizen, resident of California and at least 18-years-old, you can legally vote. If are attempting to register online to vote in California, you must do so by 11:59:59 p.m. PST 15 days before the election is held. If you do not submit your online registration application 15 days in advance, it will still be processed, but you won’t be able to vote in any elections that aren’t at least 15 days away.
You must also meet the following criteria:
- Not deemed mentally incompetent by a court
- Not in prison
- Not on parole
- Not serving a state prison sentence
- Not serving time or finishing a sentence for an offense pursuant to subdivision of the Penal Code section 1170
- Not under post-release community supervision
Where and How to Register
There are two ways to register to vote; either in person or online. If you decide to register online, the DMV database will be tapped into to confirm your driver’s license number, date of birth and your social security number. Once you have been cleared to register, the signature that you used on your driver’s license will be used to sign your registration document for voting. If the DMV does not have a copy of your signature, you will need to print the registration document, sign it and main it. Once the document has been processed, you will be contacted, most likely by mail, to notify you that you are registered to vote. This notification will tell you where you should go to vote.
It’s important to note that even if you’re not currently living in California, you may still be eligible to vote as a Californian resident; this applies to residents who are serving in the military, as well as those who are living abroad. The easiest way to register to vote when not living in California is online.
Protecting Your Vote
Unfortunately, millions of people each year are unable to vote due to issues with the registration process. This is why it’s so important to take advantage of transparent online registration and voting methods, such as Follow My Vote’s platform. This secure online voting platform ensures each vote is counted as it was cast, which results in elections that are truly accurate. All votes are secured using blockchain technology, allowing each voter the opportunity to independently audit the election. Follow My Vote is focuses on transparency, security, and verifiability; all of which are paramount to hosting an honest election.[/text_output]
[text_output]Endorsements[/text_output][image type=”none” float=”none” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” src=”5665″ style=”height:200px; width:relative;”]
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“The future of government is in open-source technologies and providing transparent election results will aid to restoring faith in vote counting. I support efforts, like those used by Follow My Vote, that explore how open-source software can lead to greater transparency, integrity and participation in voting.”
– Kammi Foote, Inyo County (CA) Registrar of Voters[/text_output]
[button shape=”rounded” size=”large” target=”blank” href=”https://www.change.org/p/office-of-the-secretary-of-the-state-of-california-elections-division-implement-a-modern-voting-system-where-voters-can-prove-the-election-is-honest-and-accurate” title=”” info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”” style=”margin: 0 auto;display: table; background-color: #00CC00; border-color: green; box-shadow: none !important; 00CC00″]Sign A Petition For Online Voting In California Today![/button][gap size=”40px” id=”” class=”” style=””][button shape=”rounded” size=”large” target=”blank” href=”https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/adamkalebernest/follow-my-votes-parallel-presidential-election-exp” title=”” info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”” style=”margin: 0 auto;display: table; background-color: #279AD3; border-color: blue; box-shadow: none !important; 279AD3″]Support Our 2016 Presidential Parallel Election On Kickstarter![/button]
[text_output]Additional Resources
California Board of Elections
California Election Law
Please contact us if any of the above information needs updating!
[/text_output][button shape=”rounded” size=”regular” href=”https://followmyvote.com/contact/” title=”Contact” info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”” style=”margin: 0 auto;display: table;”]Contact[/button]