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Keep Your Eye On The Ball

2016 will be here before you know it! Keep an eye on Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics to see who the front-runners are for both the Democratic (DNC) and Republican (GOP) party nominations in the days leading up to the election. Subscribe To Our Blog (weekly email updates on […]


Too Soon?

In a CBS news joint-interview shortly after Barack Obama was sworn in for his second term as the 44th President of the United States of America, interviewer Steve Kroft suggests that Barack Obama’s words of appreciation for the Hillary Clinton‘s service as Secretary of State was his way of endorsing her as his candidate of […]


Animal Instinct

The People’s love of animals & mascots trickles all the way down to our political parties. Ever wondered why the Democratic Party’s mascot is a donkey? How about an elephant for the Republican Party? Kind of a funny story… and it involves cartoons! Way back in 1828, Presidential candidate Andrew Jackson was labeled a “jackass” […]