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Animal Instinct

The People’s love of animals & mascots trickles all the way down to our political parties.

Ever wondered why the Democratic Party’s mascot is a donkey? How about an elephant for the Republican Party? Kind of a funny story… and it involves cartoons!


Way back in 1828, Presidential candidate Andrew Jackson was labeled a “jackass” by his opponents and later in 1837, was depicted in a political cartoon riding a donkey which was said to represent the American People. But it wasn’t until 1870 that it was popularized by cartoonist Thomas Nast and became associated with the Democratic Party. It is commonly referred to as the “unofficial” party logo.

Democrats have since embraced the donkey as strong-willed, smart, and brave.

The Republican Party’s elephant was born in 1874. The same cartoonist which popularized the donkey as the symbol for the Democratic President is credited with its creation. In a cartoon original published in Harper’s Bazaar, the democratic donkey was depicted at the zoo in lion’s skin & scaring all of the other animals away. One of the animals was an elephant labeled “The Republican Vote.” That seemed to stick as Nast & other cartoonists continued to use these two animals as symbols for their respective parties well into the current era.

Republicans have since embraced the elephant as strong & dignified.

We here at Follow My Vote, however, don’t take sides or subscribe to either of these political parties or any other political party for that matter. We are a non-partisan organization that simply favors the popular vote among the people.



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