DC Primary Predictions and Polling
With Hillary Clinton being declared the presumptive nominee, voter turnout is expected to be low for the DC Primary. Going 57th in the primary order means that often times the nominee has already been decided, but that’s nothing new to Tuesday’s set of voters. They’re used to getting the short end of the stick. DC has a greater population than Vermont and Wyoming, yet has no voting members in Congress nor is a state. Bernie Sanders has vowed to stay in the race at least until the end of this primary, which as of June 6th, 2016, over seven thousand people have voted early. Same-day voting opens up on June 14th, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m for the DC Primary.
It is expected that Hillary Clinton will win the DC primary because of her ability to attract the majority of minority voters. Sanders has not been able to overcome this, and in every contest where the state had a large minority presence, he has lost. DC has a population of 672,220 people, with only a 40.6% white population. Based on previous contests it is safe to say that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic Nominee.
It’s amazing to think that just over a year ago, Bernie Sanders declared his candidacy. Since then, he rose from being a fringe candidate to a candidate who has pulled the democratic discussion to the left and has garnered over 12 million votes. Sanders supporters have frequently said that number should be higher, but because of voter suppression and voter fraud it is trailing Hillary’s. There is some truth to that statement though, as reports have surfaced that there was voter fraud in California. If you’re interested in that, click here.
About Follow My Vote
Follow My Vote is dedicated to starting an end-to-end verifiable voting platform using blockchain technology that will help end voter fraud and voter suppression. If you’re interested in supporting our cause and honest elections, please consider supporting our Kickstarter.
About the author: David Brock is a Marketing Intern of Follow My Vote.