Bitcoin Knowledge Open Source Software Technology
Public ledgers

Public Ledgers Are Not New – Blockchain Technology Is Just a Digital Version

Have you ever tried explaining blockchain technology to a friend? With all the industry jargon it can be a bit confusing. In its most simple form, a blockchain is a peer to peer network and a database (public ledger). Did you know that public ledgers have been used for centuries? Blockchain is essentially a more advanced […]

Events Technology
Hackers Congress In Prague

CEO Adam Ernest To Speak At Hackers Congress In Prague

Follow My Vote Co-Founder and CEO, Adam Ernest has been invited to speak at the Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis in Prague. (Paralelní Polis basically means alternative culture or underground) The Event is put on by the Institute of Cryptoanarchy.  Hundreds of technology enthusiasts, tech-entrepreneurs, activists and blockchain lovers will attend the Hackers Congress to celebrate the age […]

Elections Technology Voting

Birthplace of American Democracy Approves Online Voter Registration

Add Pennsylvania to the growing list of states that offer online voter registration. With this move, they become the 23rd state to offer an online registration system. Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Pedro Cortes, endorsed this move in a recent article, citing the cost savings and accessibility that online registration will provide eligible voters. He cites a recent […]

Inspiration Petitions Technology Voting
Support for online voting

Did President Obama Just Announce His Support For Online Voting?

Earlier this summer, President Barack Obama sat down with Fast Company editor-In-chief Robert Safian to discuss some of his opinions on technology issues and solutions.  In this interview, the President told Safian that he believes online voting should ‘absolutely’ be a priority. Safian asked: Arguably the next killer app for tech would be online voting. That’s a […]

Knowledge Technology
Obama's executive order

The Real Story Of Obama’s Executive Order To Create The Worlds Fastest Super Computer.

On July 29, 2015 President Obama released an executive order to create a national strategic computing initiative. In 2013, China took the title of having the world’s fastest super computer with the Tianhe-2, which overtook the previous champion, a US computer called the Titan. Summary: Obama’s executive order has established the National Strategic Computing Initiative […]