“Good evening, Citizens of The Planet… Allow us first to apologize for this interruption. We do, like many of you, appreciate the comfort of everyday routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. We enjoy them as much as any man or woman. But in the spirit of commemoration, whereupon important events of the past, usually […]
An initiative petition has been created in Seattle, Washington to help usher in more honest elections. More and more it seems our government is influenced by wealthy citizens, corporate campaign donors, and those involved in Super PACs. Our Government should be of, by, and for the people. Initiative-122 goes a long way towards reducing the […]
We have been busy as of late preparing for Virginia Tech’s Gobblerfest. Gobblerfest is an annual festival held at Virginia Tech with the overall goal of getting students to engage with different campus activities and the surrounding community. Student organizations, non-profit organizations and local businesses flock to the event with free giveaways, games and info about […]
Earlier this summer, President Barack Obama sat down with Fast Company editor-In-chief Robert Safian to discuss some of his opinions on technology issues and solutions. In this interview, the President told Safian that he believes online voting should ‘absolutely’ be a priority. Safian asked: Arguably the next killer app for tech would be online voting. That’s a […]
Here at Follow My vote, we have been closely following the rise of Liberland. Liberland is a new micro-nation and sovereign state located between Croatia and Serbia, on the west bank of the Danube river. Currently there is a petition to establish US diplomatic relations with Liberland on petitions.whitehouse.gov. We know that our fans and readers […]
There are many great avenues you can choose from thanks to the beauty of the internet but further than the creation of an online petition, what are some things that you can do to make sure that your petition continues moving strong? This article takes a look at some great ideas that you can implement […]
A successful petition is possible! Theses days we hear about petitions being created all the time, but we rarely here about successful petitions making an impact or getting laws changed. We are happy to inform you that a successful petition on change.org has led to the National Football League voluntarily relinquishing their tax exemption status. […]