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Knowledge Voting
Low Voter Turnout

Low Voter Turnouts: Have Americans Lost Faith in the Democratic Process?

This article from CNN shows that the 2014 midterm elections had the lowest voter turnout in 70 years with only 36% of eligible voters coming out to the polls. This raises a question — if voting is how we display our participation in the political process, and people aren’t going to the polls, then who is really running this country?

Bernie Sanders, a candidate for the 2016 presidency, expressed his concern on Comedy Central´s “Colbert Report”:

“What I think really happened is about 64 percent of the American people rejected the two-party system…They rejected Washington as it now functioned. They rejected a political system and a Congress which spends more time representing the wealthy and the powerful than ordinary Americans.”

When people don’t show up to cast their ballot it often displays a sense of hopelessness. Along with congress’ approval rating hovering at a measly 19% it is clear that the stage is set for change. People are aware of the big money involved in politics and how it has limited our growth and cooperation as a nation.

If our political process needs a serious overhaul then perhaps the way that we shape that process should be dynamic as well. The way we function in society is changing and the political process, including voting, should reflect that.

If Follow My Vote can provide a tool to help the people mobilize have their voices heard, on all sides of any issue, and from any party, then we have done our job. We fully support a revitalization of the democratic process. This revitalization starts with getting people back to the polls and even in some new ways. Join us as we try to bring an online voting platform to the people…

Read more about the political climate (and Bernie Sanders) here: cnn.com

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