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Elections Inspiration Voting
Reasons to Vote

10 Reasons To Vote

It’s no secret that the U.S. has one of the lowest voter turnouts of all industrialized democratic countries. For a country so fiercely protective of freedom, the fact is that that we don’t exercise the rights that are denied to many around the world. Maybe we simply don’t have enough reasons to vote.  Luckily, the […]

Inspiration Voting
voter apathy

Voter Apathy At All Time High

Democracy is a system which only flourishes when everyday citizens are engaged in its outcomes and believe that their voice matters. Many voters now are simply not feeling fulfilled by the current state of political affairs leading to apathy at the polls. Online voting could be a way to re-engage voters, allowing democracy to take […]


Voter Turnout and How We Can Help

We all understand that voter turnout has been a major challenge in the electoral process of America. The more people you have voting the better the American “Voice” can be heard. While this article goes into many different ways that we as a country could increase voter turnout the aspect that is on everyone’s minds […]