There always seems to be a decently large gap between what candidates promise to do and what actually gets done in office. Many are blaming the fact that the House majority is of one political party affiliation and the executive is of the other political party. President Obama talked about how bipartisanship would correct these […]
The invention of social media has been remarkable for political activism. Hashtags have catalyzed grass roots movements abroad and domestically as well. Whether some of the topics have merit is at the discretion of each individual but everyone can agree that Twitter is great at generating a conversation. Deleted tweets from politicians have been the […]
Regardless of party affiliation or political creed, the office of the president is one that deserves respect and recognition. Former president, Jimmy Carter gave a press conference on August 20th telling the nation about his diagnosis and what that means for how long he has left to live. Atlanta (CNN)In a remarkable press conference marked […]
Iowa has always been a key state in election due to the nature of their caucus and their coveted spot as the first state that gets a chance to show support to a candidate, which influences the rest of their campaign strategies. Iowa is almost like a guinea pig of campaign slogans and policies because […]
Many people believe that bitcoin is just a currency but it is actually so much more than that. When it comes to revitalizing many industries and concepts, online methods have proven to be extremely integral to that process. Democracy is no exception. Through the use of bitcoin and blockchain technology, online voting can be fortified […]
Democracy is a system which only flourishes when everyday citizens are engaged in its outcomes and believe that their voice matters. Many voters now are simply not feeling fulfilled by the current state of political affairs leading to apathy at the polls. Online voting could be a way to re-engage voters, allowing democracy to take […]
This post from a talk show called The Take Away speaks with some highly educated people in the industry where they discuss on their podcast the importance of verified voting when dealing in the digital realm. The main topic of conversation lands on the audit-ability of the current system and what might be in development […]
There are many great avenues you can choose from thanks to the beauty of the internet but further than the creation of an online petition, what are some things that you can do to make sure that your petition continues moving strong? This article takes a look at some great ideas that you can implement […]
There is a long standing debate that online voting may not be possible due to the nature of technology itself. Simply as we continue to find new ways to keep our information secure and safe, technology that makes said security measures obsolete are in the making. However there is one technology that makes it almost […]
People have been trying to keep information or data secret since we were able to record information or data. It’s human nature for us to want to keep private information, private to those that are included in your information or data. It is understood that the history of cryptography goes way back. We have been […]
In an attempt to pick up votes needed for the upcoming 2016 election, Hillary Clinton is attempting to tear down ID laws to increase voter turnout. Hillary’s campaign has taken a swing into the realm of claims of voter suppression, especially in States that are overhauling their voter laws to better protect against the levels […]
Through many of our posts you will see Follow My Vote’s relationship with CAVO and other partners at the Open Source Initiative (OSI). We thought it to be important to our readers to find out more about this organization and see some of their work in action through this interesting article. We would have to […]
This years 2015 off year voting dates have been released and we have posted them here for your convenience. With the Presidential Primary just around the bend some of theses local, municipal, and gubernatorial elections are being held during an off year to address local concerns and fill local chairs that are in need of […]
As we well know technology moves at a pace determined by those that push the envelope and stive to make changes to better humanity. With technology moving at such a rapid pace today what would be a realistic time frame to start to see changes in the way we vote? This article takes a look […]
We have long known the power that blockchain technology offered the world in many different applications and industries. With online voting still needing a bit of a push in the securities realm to make large players more comfortable with the technology this article takes a look at some of the other industries that are seeing […]
A Virginia State report has found that electronic voting booths utilized from 2002 to 2014 were utilizing passwords such as “abcde” and “admin”. Specifically the electronic voting booths and machines used were called WinVote and were manufactured by Advanced Voting Technologies, Inc.(AVS). If you have been near the web in the past 10 years you understand […]
It would seem that even after an understood push back of implementation date and all of the physical proof surrounding the safety and viability of Florida’s online voter registration there still seems to be educated people out there that do not truly understand the nature of the work that goes into securing any kind of […]
Let’s just face it, there are many things wrong with the current way that the American public casts votes for their representatives in this Democracy. This article takes a look at a flaw in our voting system that has been apparent from the beginning. Plurality voting in a nutshell is destroying what it means to […]
Our Founder & CEO, Adam Kaleb Ernest, was recently invited overseas to attend a national summit meeting for the Pirate Party of Norway, as a way to introduce Follow My Vote’s new and innovative verifiable online voting platform to Pirate Party members and citizens of Norway. The Pirate Party exists across 6 continents and in approximately 61 countries […]
On the horizon of Hilary Clinton formally announcing her campaign this article takes a look at some of the numbers surrounding smartphone usage in the American public and how it has already affected media and advertising platforms for recent elections. Using the connectivity that social media and smartphones as a whole offer the political platform […]