In July of 2020, we published our The State of Follow My Vote -> 2020 Report, letting the world know that we are still here, we’re not going anywhere, and we’ll continue striving to make secure open-source end-to-end verifiable blockchain-based voting/polling software a reality on a global scale. As discussed in this report, my fellow […]

Today marks the dawn of a new era, the day we at Follow My Vote release our Intellectual Property (IP) covering our patent-pending architecture for a secure end-to-end verifiable blockchain-based voting system capable of securely hosting honest elections with mathematically provable results. We’ve come to a point in human history where faith in the democratic […]
CB Insights has released a research brief titled Banking Is Only The Beginning: 30 Big Industries Blockchain Could Transform. The report ranks different industries, and gives an example company in that niche that is leading the way utilizing blockchain technology. CB Insights placed the voting industry at number 5 and chose to feature Follow My Vote. From CB Insights: […]
The United States Voting Method is flawed, and I doubt anyone would argue otherwise. With unsecured voting systems in place in many states, we don’t even have technology to redeem us. It is simply unacceptable that in our day and age that we have to choose what many would call the lesser of two evils. The […]
As I continued to scan the article I thought to myself, “Our current voting system is broken.”Stuck between paper ballots and other outdated voting systems America’s election infrastructure is lagging behind. Outdated voting machines, complex state laws that have made ID verification difficult, and accusations of voter fraud are not unique to the California primary. […]
In a recent article on Upworthy, they list 3 major reasons millions don’t vote. The first reason listed is Gerrymandering, or the redrawing of district lines to suit a candidate or political party. This is easily one of the most widespread forms of government corruption, yet many fail to recognize the severity of its impact. […]
The 2016 presidential election is exposing a lot of the shortcomings in our democratic process and how bipartisan politics mixed with antiquated methods of voting have made for a rather corrupt current political climate. This is now being exposed as inaccurate polls are being released after the presidential debates. How much more will it take […]
Something curious is going on with voting machine tapes in Sedgwick County, Kansas. At least that is what Beth Clarkson, a Wichita State University mathematician, has asserted. Clarkson contends that the percentage of Republican votes increases as the size of precincts increase. She has asked for physical copies of the tapes so she can check […]
It’s no secret that the U.S. has one of the lowest voter turnouts of all industrialized democratic countries. For a country so fiercely protective of freedom, the fact is that that we don’t exercise the rights that are denied to many around the world. Maybe we simply don’t have enough reasons to vote. Luckily, the […]
The Republicans have just finished their second debate and the democratic party is yet to debate the key issues. The nation is excited to see Clinton and Sanders finally go head to head and get some genuine media coverage on the Sanders campaign as he is now the front runner of the democratic party. There […]
Many people believe that bitcoin is just a currency but it is actually so much more than that. When it comes to revitalizing many industries and concepts, online methods have proven to be extremely integral to that process. Democracy is no exception. Through the use of bitcoin and blockchain technology, online voting can be fortified […]
Democracy is a system which only flourishes when everyday citizens are engaged in its outcomes and believe that their voice matters. Many voters now are simply not feeling fulfilled by the current state of political affairs leading to apathy at the polls. Online voting could be a way to re-engage voters, allowing democracy to take […]
Since the Icelandic Pirate Party founding in November 24, 2012, it has become the largest party in Iceland, nearly doubling its support in just two months. As of the May 3rd article from The Independent , the Pirate Party now has a 23.9 percent share of the vote, up from 12.8 percent in February. Birgitta […]
Through many of our posts you will see Follow My Vote’s relationship with CAVO and other partners at the Open Source Initiative (OSI). We thought it to be important to our readers to find out more about this organization and see some of their work in action through this interesting article. We would have to […]
We are in an amazing time period for innovation and technological advances. We are wearing computers as watches, using drones for selfies, and 3D printing just about whatever we want. But voting as an industry hasn’t seen much advancement in quite a few years. In fact many US states have recently decertified modern voting machines […]
As we well know technology moves at a pace determined by those that push the envelope and stive to make changes to better humanity. With technology moving at such a rapid pace today what would be a realistic time frame to start to see changes in the way we vote? This article takes a look […]
It would seem that even after an understood push back of implementation date and all of the physical proof surrounding the safety and viability of Florida’s online voter registration there still seems to be educated people out there that do not truly understand the nature of the work that goes into securing any kind of […]
Let’s just face it, there are many things wrong with the current way that the American public casts votes for their representatives in this Democracy. This article takes a look at a flaw in our voting system that has been apparent from the beginning. Plurality voting in a nutshell is destroying what it means to […]
On the horizon of Hilary Clinton formally announcing her campaign this article takes a look at some of the numbers surrounding smartphone usage in the American public and how it has already affected media and advertising platforms for recent elections. Using the connectivity that social media and smartphones as a whole offer the political platform […]
We are happy to present one of the major players in the push for more transparency in democratic elections and the push to digitizing the process in the open source community. This article and interview hears from Brent Turner about how the California Association of Voting Officials (CAVO) uses open source software to bring trust […]
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