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Elections Events Technology Voting

Paper Ballots and Current Voting Systems are not Secure nor Feasible

As I continued to scan the article I thought to myself, “Our current voting system is broken.”Stuck between paper ballots and other outdated voting systems America’s election infrastructure is lagging behind. Outdated voting machines, complex state laws that have made ID verification difficult, and accusations of voter fraud are not unique to the California primary. […]

Elections Events International Uncategorized Voting
Greek Referendum

Questionable Voting Practices in the Greek Referendum? You Decide.

Whether you’re a devotee of international news or just a casual observer, most would agree that negotiations regarding a Greek bailout package from Eurozone lenders have clogged the headlines for too long.  Over the course of months we have seen feisty Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras go round after round with indomitable German Chancellor Angela […]