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Why Does Plurality Voting Fail?

Let’s just face it, there are many things wrong with the current way that the American public casts votes for their representatives in this Democracy. This article takes a look at a flaw in our voting system that has been apparent from the beginning. Plurality voting in a nutshell is destroying what it means to […]

Elections Events Press Updates

Follow My Vote & The Pirate Party Make Plans For The Future Of Voting

Our Founder & CEO, Adam Kaleb Ernest, was recently invited overseas to attend a national summit meeting for the Pirate Party of Norway, as a way to introduce Follow My Vote’s new and innovative verifiable online voting platform to Pirate Party members and citizens of Norway. The Pirate Party exists across 6 continents and in approximately 61 countries […]

Elections Inspiration Knowledge Technology Voting Platform
Voting technology

Poly Sci Professor and EECS Team Up to Provide Voting Technology Class

It is no surprise to us that the surge of interest in the electronic voting industry has sparked changes and advancements in many different verticals. The seriousness of the industry has caused major players in the Political Science and Education industries to take a major look at what is being considered a broken voting system.  […]

Press Technology
CAVO article huffington post - follow my vote

CAVO Featured on The Huffington Post!

The California Association of Voting Officials (CAVO) was featured on The Huffington Post on February 6, 2015! As a corporate member of CAVO, Follow My Vote was excited to see the article and attention given to open-source technology. CAVO has been pushing for open-source solutions for voting which is one of the main reasons Follow […]