On December 17th, James Creekmore, Creekmore Law Firm PC hosted and led an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Symposium as an event for the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce. The symposium was held in downtown Blacksburg, VA, at the Lyric Theater with the purpose of discussing the state of entrepreneurship in Blacksburg and what steps can be taken to […]
There is some interesting news when it comes to making online voting progress. A recent article in The Hill discusses a progressive group that will use an online voting system to endorse a 2016 presidential candidate. Democracy For America (DFA) in Burlington, VT, is holding the election from Dec. 7-15. Anyone can participate, by giving their name, […]
After the excitement of getting accepted into the Alpha Program at Web Summit and preparing eagerly for our debut to the world, we can say Web Summit 2015 has passed but will never be forgotten. We learned a great deal, met some fantastic people, and wore Guy Fawkes masks to celebrate the 5th of November. […]

“Good evening, Citizens of The Planet… Allow us first to apologize for this interruption. We do, like many of you, appreciate the comfort of everyday routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. We enjoy them as much as any man or woman. But in the spirit of commemoration, whereupon important events of the past, usually […]
We are extremely excited to announce that Follow My Vote has been accepted to the Alpha Program at Web Summit 2015 hosted in Dublin, Ireland. The tech conference will be held on November 3-5, 2015. “The new hot ticket on the tech conference scene” – Forbes Only the most innovative, disruptive, and scalable tech companies get […]
Follow My Vote is excited to be a sponsor of Blacksburg’s premier annual beer festival. The 7th annual Blacksburg Brew Do will be held this Saturday, October 17th from noon – 5 pm. Brew Do 2015 will be held at the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center (CRC), a new and larger venue than previous years. Proceeds […]
There always seems to be a decently large gap between what candidates promise to do and what actually gets done in office. Many are blaming the fact that the House majority is of one political party affiliation and the executive is of the other political party. President Obama talked about how bipartisanship would correct these […]
DC TechDay continues to be a great event in the Washington, D.C. area for startups. Our second year in attendance did not disappoint. We enjoyed our time thoroughly and walked away having made great connections. We met several high profile members of government including Congressman Mark Takai from Hawaii and a member of the Secretary’s […]
This upcoming Tuesday, October 6th, We will be attending DC TechDay 2015! We had great success at last years TechDay, meeting Congressman Tony Cardenas from California’s 29th district(see below). We created a whole lot of buzz around online voting and the possibilities surrounding new and innovative voting technologies. Check out our blog recap for all […]
On Thursday, September 17th, we attended the Brennan Center for Justice event: America’s Voting Technology Crisis: Preparing for 2016 and Beyond. With the recent release of the report put out by the Brennan Center for Justice appropriately called America’s Voting Machines at Risk, it has become apparent that we need to talk about outdated voting machines […]
Our third appearance at Virginia Tech’s Gobblerfest was a great success! Gobblerfest is an event where students can learn about clubs and different campus organizations. This is also an event where local businesses and non-profits can reach out to students to let them know about their products and services. In our case we were engaging […]
On Thursday September 3rd, Follow My Vote met with Delta Sigma Pi At Virginia Tech to host a professional event on following your passion and starting your own business. Delta Sigma Pi is one of the nations largest coed professional business fraternities. Follow My Vote Founder and CEO, Adam Kaleb Ernest, was the main speaker […]
We have been busy as of late preparing for Virginia Tech’s Gobblerfest. Gobblerfest is an annual festival held at Virginia Tech with the overall goal of getting students to engage with different campus activities and the surrounding community. Student organizations, non-profit organizations and local businesses flock to the event with free giveaways, games and info about […]
Things are looking better for some women in the Middle East. Saudi Arabian women can vote now. Last week, women in Saudi Arabia were allowed to register to vote for the first time. Previously in 2011, the late King Abdullah had announced that women would be allowed to vote and run as candidates in 2015. The […]
Freedom Fest has been touted as “The World’s Largest Gathering of Free Minds.” Simply put, Freedom Fest 2015 was unlike any event we’ve ever attended. Within minutes of hitting the conference floor, we had opportunity to connect with a plethora of open-minded people with varying religious beliefs, economic theories, and political ideologies. Needless to say, […]
While at Freedom Fest 2015, Our Founder and CEO, Adam Ernest got a chance to talk about Follow My Vote and the future of voting on Sack Heads Radio(SHR Media). Freedom Fest is an annual festival where free minds meet to celebrate great books, great ideas and great thinkers in an open minded society. The festival is […]
Whether you’re a devotee of international news or just a casual observer, most would agree that negotiations regarding a Greek bailout package from Eurozone lenders have clogged the headlines for too long. Over the course of months we have seen feisty Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras go round after round with indomitable German Chancellor Angela […]
Follow My Vote is passionate about community involvement. Last week we helped support the Blacksburg Partnership by sponsoring the 5K Rat Race, kicking off the first annual Virginia Cheese Festival. The 5K race was held at the Virginia Tech Cross Country Course. Participants were encouraged to dress up in rat or cheese-themed attire. Adam, our […]
In an attempt to pick up votes needed for the upcoming 2016 election, Hillary Clinton is attempting to tear down ID laws to increase voter turnout. Hillary’s campaign has taken a swing into the realm of claims of voter suppression, especially in States that are overhauling their voter laws to better protect against the levels […]
Follow My Vote is dedicated to improving the elections. We currently do this through innovative technologies such as blockchain technology to ultimately increase voter turnout and transparency. When we saw the Snapchat election story on the day of the UK elections, we were ecstatic. This was a blend of new technology and excitement surrounding voter […]