The primaries are an often overlooked but important part of which candidate becomes the president of the United States. There is an interesting rule however that states that you can only vote for a candidate in the party for which you are registered to vote under. This rule makes it so that you are forced […]
There is some interesting news when it comes to making online voting progress. A recent article in The Hill discusses a progressive group that will use an online voting system to endorse a 2016 presidential candidate. Democracy For America (DFA) in Burlington, VT, is holding the election from Dec. 7-15. Anyone can participate, by giving their name, […]
Earlier this month, well known talk show host, Thom Hartmann talked with Richard Charnin about election fraud in the state of Kentucky. Richard Charnin is an election research quantitative analyst and model developer. Charnin is also the author of Matrix of Deceit: Forcing Pre-election and Exit Polls to Match Fraudulent Vote Counts. In the following […]
In a recent article on Upworthy, they list 3 major reasons millions don’t vote. The first reason listed is Gerrymandering, or the redrawing of district lines to suit a candidate or political party. This is easily one of the most widespread forms of government corruption, yet many fail to recognize the severity of its impact. […]
We were super excited when we found out we were invited on to the AM Hodge Podge Radio Segment. The local radio show airs each Saturday morning in the New River Valley at 9 am on 710 AM WFNR. The AM Hodge Podge Radio Show is Hosted by Mark Tapp and Keith Weltens. We talked a […]
The 2016 presidential election is exposing a lot of the shortcomings in our democratic process and how bipartisan politics mixed with antiquated methods of voting have made for a rather corrupt current political climate. This is now being exposed as inaccurate polls are being released after the presidential debates. How much more will it take […]
The online voting movement is seeing progress in Europe! The European Parliament has voted to adopt a set of reforms to the 1976 EU Electoral Act. The vote tally was 315 to 254. Of the reforms included, the most notable and important was the need for member states to provide an online voting method for […]
Check out our voting technology in the press! We were recently featured in an article on Independent Voter Network (IVN), a website dedicated to unfiltered, independent political news. “Follow My Vote is trying to offer an alternative solution to voting machines, and redefine how we look at elections,” according to the author, Carson Bolter. He highlights […]
Something curious is going on with voting machine tapes in Sedgwick County, Kansas. At least that is what Beth Clarkson, a Wichita State University mathematician, has asserted. Clarkson contends that the percentage of Republican votes increases as the size of precincts increase. She has asked for physical copies of the tapes so she can check […]
After the excitement of getting accepted into the Alpha Program at Web Summit and preparing eagerly for our debut to the world, we can say Web Summit 2015 has passed but will never be forgotten. We learned a great deal, met some fantastic people, and wore Guy Fawkes masks to celebrate the 5th of November. […]

“Good evening, Citizens of The Planet… Allow us first to apologize for this interruption. We do, like many of you, appreciate the comfort of everyday routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. We enjoy them as much as any man or woman. But in the spirit of commemoration, whereupon important events of the past, usually […]
The Follow My Vote team was lucky enough to get a behind the scenes look at the 2015 Montgomery County General Election, in Southwest Virginia. We want to thank Randy Wertz, Montgomery County’s General Registrar, for allowing us this opportunity. The enthusiasm of voters and officials at the precincts we visited cannot be understated. The […]
We are extremely excited to announce that Follow My Vote has been accepted to the Alpha Program at Web Summit 2015 hosted in Dublin, Ireland. The tech conference will be held on November 3-5, 2015. “The new hot ticket on the tech conference scene” – Forbes Only the most innovative, disruptive, and scalable tech companies get […]
This past weekend Follow My Vote helped sponsor Brew Do 2015, a Blacksburg beer festival put on by the Blacksburg Partnership. We are always open to supporting community events, especially those with delicious beer. The Blacksburg Partnership is a local non-profit organization that helps promote and bring visitors to the Blacksburg area. We had a fantastic […]
Follow My Vote is excited to be a sponsor of Blacksburg’s premier annual beer festival. The 7th annual Blacksburg Brew Do will be held this Saturday, October 17th from noon – 5 pm. Brew Do 2015 will be held at the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center (CRC), a new and larger venue than previous years. Proceeds […]
It’s no secret that the U.S. has one of the lowest voter turnouts of all industrialized democratic countries. For a country so fiercely protective of freedom, the fact is that that we don’t exercise the rights that are denied to many around the world. Maybe we simply don’t have enough reasons to vote. Luckily, the […]
Most people by now are familiar with Bitcoin, the digital currency that is created using Blockchain technology. Although Bitcoin has had a very tumultuous start, investors and entrepreneurs are more fascinated with the potential capabilities that blockchain technology has outside of the Bitcoin currency. Many have discussed using it as a sort of watermark for […]
Many people agree that they simply do not have enough time to research candidates properly and are ultimately uninformed on current events. This leads to opinions being made without sufficient research and facts. Thanks to technology there are some tools that help condense the current campaign promises from each of the candidates running for office […]
There always seems to be a decently large gap between what candidates promise to do and what actually gets done in office. Many are blaming the fact that the House majority is of one political party affiliation and the executive is of the other political party. President Obama talked about how bipartisanship would correct these […]
DC TechDay continues to be a great event in the Washington, D.C. area for startups. Our second year in attendance did not disappoint. We enjoyed our time thoroughly and walked away having made great connections. We met several high profile members of government including Congressman Mark Takai from Hawaii and a member of the Secretary’s […]