Blockchain Elections Technology Updates Voting Voting Platform

The State of Follow My Vote -> 2020 Report

In the run up to the 2016 United States Presidential Election, Follow My Vote brought global attention to the idea of leveraging blockchain technology (or distributed ledger technology) to build a secure end-to-end verifiable mobile voting system to be used in government-sponsored elections worldwide. Over the past few years we’ve been contacted by media outlets, […]

Bitcoin Blockchain Technology
Follow My Vote Named In CB Insights - 30 Big Industries Blockchain Could Transform

Follow My Vote Named In CB Insights “30 Big Industries Blockchain Could Transform”

CB Insights has released a research brief titled Banking Is Only The Beginning: 30 Big Industries Blockchain Could Transform. The report ranks different industries, and gives an example company in that niche that is leading the way utilizing blockchain technology.  CB Insights placed the voting industry at number 5 and chose to feature Follow My Vote. From CB Insights: […]

Press Technology Voting
19 Industries The Blockchain Will Disrupt

Follow My Vote Highlighted In “19 Industries The Blockchain Will Disrupt”

Follow My Vote’s blockchain voting software has been highlighted in a recent video and post on covering the top 19 industries the blockchain will disrupt. “Future Thinkers is a podcast about the future of humankind and the exploration of consciousness.” Follow My Vote is featured in the number 10 spot in the industry list alongside Democracy Earth. […]

Press Technology Voting

Follow My Vote CEO Discusses Online Voting On Predicting Our Future Podcast

Follow My Vote Vote Co-Founder & CEO, Adam Ernest recently spoke on an episode of the Predicting Our Future Podcast. The episode covered how current voter participation is extremely low and presented online voting as a possible solution. Podcast host, Andrew Weinreich invited several guests to talk about online voting and what it could look like in […]

Press Technology Updates
Nasdaq feature Features Follow My Vote & How Blockchain Will Make the World a Better Place

Follow My Vote has been featured on! The Nasdaq Stock Market is an American stock exchange, and is the second-largest exchange in the world by market capitalization, the first being the New York Stock Exchange. The Nasdaq website displays information about stock quotes, markets, business news, and investing. Bitcoin Magazine, which has featured Follow My Vote […]

Technology Voting
Blockchain Potential

Blockchain Potential

Most people by now are familiar with Bitcoin, the digital currency that is created using Blockchain technology. Although Bitcoin has had a very tumultuous start, investors and entrepreneurs are more fascinated with the potential capabilities that blockchain technology has outside of the Bitcoin currency. Many have discussed using it as a sort of watermark for […]

voting system

Guess Which State Is Looking Into Blockchain Management?

With an endorsement from Vermont’s Governor, Peter Shumlin, the state recently decided to explore the use of blockchain technology. The legislation passed earlier this summer with the intention of looking at how the state can simplify the management of state records. This marks an important first step for government bodies exploring the potential benefits that blockchain offers. “Vermont’s […]

Press Technology
Blockchain Startups

Follow My Vote Named One Of The Top Blockchain Startups By Venture Radar

Follow My Vote has been named one of the top 25 non-financial blockchain startups by Venture Radar for innovating and disrupting in the governance sector! In this info-graphic featured above, Follow My vote has been put along side projects and companies such as  Swarm and Bitnation, which attempt to improve or disrupt government type functions. Follow […]

Press Technology Uncategorized Voting Voting Platform
voting system

Follow My Vote Featured On Freedom For Our Blockchain Voting System

Follow My Vote has been featured in another publication for building a voting system on a blockchain. Freedom magazine has included us in their very in-depth coverage of blockchain technology and all its use cases. The article covered Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto (the creator of Bitcoin), cryptocurrencies, and the internet of things. The article also informed […]

Press Technology Uncategorized Updates Voting

Follow My Vote Featured On Bitcoin Magazine For Blockchain Technology and Secure Online Voting.

We are proud to say Follow My Vote has been featured on the well known publication, Bitcoin Magazine! This is our latest press recognition and we are quite thrilled. Bitcoin Magazine is one of the most engaging and accurate sources of information regarding Bitcoin, blockchain technology, and the digital currency space. Currently they receive over […]

Elections Inspiration Knowledge Technology Updates Voting Platform

How BlockChain Technology will Change the World

We have long known the power that blockchain technology offered the world in many different applications and industries. With online voting still needing a bit of a push in the securities realm to make large players more comfortable with the technology this article takes a look at some of the other industries that are seeing […]

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