Events Voting

Yes, Politicon Was Amazing!

Politicon 2016 was an incredible event! Follow My Vote attended as an exhibitor, while CEO, Adam Ernest, spoke on a panel regarding rigged elections. The non-partisan political conference took place in Pasadena, California, over June 25 and 26. Many well known politicians, tv hosts, and political thought leaders attended. Some of the most notable were Gov. […]



Well, it happened. The results came in this morning, Brexit won with 51.9% of the vote. The United Kingdom is on track to leave the European Union which will take approximately two years. The Dow Jones Index has dropped about 3% because of the news. The pound has dropped about 11% since yesterday, leading many […]

Knowledge Technology Voting Voting Platform

Joe Mohen, CEO of, “Internet voting creates higher voter turnout”

In an interview with Joe Mohen, the former CEO of, Amber Phillips of the Washington Post tried to breakdown why online voting hasn’t been a reality. In an age where you can order food online in the comfort of your bed, the technology to vote already exists. Many critics of such technology say it is […]

Elections Events Technology Voting

Paper Ballots and Current Voting Systems are not Secure nor Feasible

As I continued to scan the article I thought to myself, “Our current voting system is broken.”Stuck between paper ballots and other outdated voting systems America’s election infrastructure is lagging behind. Outdated voting machines, complex state laws that have made ID verification difficult, and accusations of voter fraud are not unique to the California primary. […]

Legislation Voting
Online Voting In Canada

New Poll Reveals People Want Online Voting In Canada

A new poll has revealed that 70% of people want both proportional representation and online voting in Canada. The poll was carried out by the NRG Research Group and Peak Communications. The research also showed interesting findings on the preferences of voting methods. Both the United States and Canada currently use first-past-the-post (the candidate who receives more votes […]

Inspiration Press
RBTC Interview with Adam Ernest - Follow My Vote

Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology Council Interviews Adam Ernest, CEO of Follow My Vote

In February 2016 our CEO, Adam Ernest, was interviewed by the Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology Council. In the Take Five Questionnaire Series, the RBTC looks to gain insights into the minds of local CEOs. Here is a transcript of the interview: RBTC: What are some of the regional resources that have contributed to your success? Adam: NuSpark, […]

Events Knowledge Technology
Blockchain Speech

Follow My Vote CTO, Nathan Hourt, Gives Blockchain Speech At Harding University

On April 15, 2016, Nathan Hourt, Follow My Vote CTO, gave a blockchain speech at the computer science department at Harding University entitled Blocked & Loaded | Why Blockchain Technology Matters & What it can do for You. In regards to the presentation, Nathan stated:  This seminar was presented to the Computer Science Department at Harding […]