Knowledge Technology
Obama's executive order

The Real Story Of Obama’s Executive Order To Create The Worlds Fastest Super Computer.

On July 29, 2015 President Obama released an executive order to create a national strategic computing initiative. In 2013, China took the title of having the world’s fastest super computer with the Tianhe-2, which overtook the previous champion, a US computer called the Titan. Summary: Obama’s executive order has established the National Strategic Computing Initiative […]

Elections Legislation Voting
Voting Restrictions

New Voting Restrictions Determine Election Outcomes

A study by the Brennan Center for Justice has demonstrated that the new voting laws instituted in North Carolina, Kansas, Virginia, and Florida could have changed the outcome of elections.  The voting laws, which ranged from eliminating same-day registration to requiring proof of citizenship at the poll booth, are said to have disproportionately affected specific […]

Press Technology Uncategorized Voting Voting Platform
voting system

Follow My Vote Featured On Freedom For Our Blockchain Voting System

Follow My Vote has been featured in another publication for building a voting system on a blockchain. Freedom magazine has included us in their very in-depth coverage of blockchain technology and all its use cases. The article covered Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto (the creator of Bitcoin), cryptocurrencies, and the internet of things. The article also informed […]

Elections Events International Uncategorized Voting
Greek Referendum

Questionable Voting Practices in the Greek Referendum? You Decide.

Whether you’re a devotee of international news or just a casual observer, most would agree that negotiations regarding a Greek bailout package from Eurozone lenders have clogged the headlines for too long.  Over the course of months we have seen feisty Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras go round after round with indomitable German Chancellor Angela […]

International Knowledge Technology
Icelandic Pirate Party

Pirate Party Popularity Explodes In Iceland

In recent years the popularity of Pirate Parties around the world has been steadily increasing, fueled by the aspirations of its members to infuse technology into politics. As the map below demonstrates, young citizens in countries the world round have responded to the Pirate Party’s call for transparency, freedom of information, anti-corruption, and net neutrality, among other […]

Press Technology Uncategorized Updates Voting

Follow My Vote Featured On Bitcoin Magazine For Blockchain Technology and Secure Online Voting.

We are proud to say Follow My Vote has been featured on the well known publication, Bitcoin Magazine! This is our latest press recognition and we are quite thrilled. Bitcoin Magazine is one of the most engaging and accurate sources of information regarding Bitcoin, blockchain technology, and the digital currency space. Currently they receive over […]